What initially started out as a “Let's do a few shows in the UK” escalated into quite a fews shows across the UK, Netherlands, and Germany.
After the Bristol and London shows in May 2023 Vaughn, our keyboard maestro, suggested "We should consider just doing more of the same, as you guys have got such a legacy behind you. You don't need a new body of works, just go out and play!" Hence the idea and name was born: LEGACY 2024.

It's never easy trying to put together a show that spans all the albums, as there are so many songs to choose from and everyone has their favourites. And there will always be the “have to be played” songs. I'd like to think we covered as much as possible.
As soon as we announced the Legacy series of gigs, and tickets went on sale, I think we all felt good about this. The response was crazy and very exciting for us. The shows were selling out and some of these were bigger venues than we had previously played.
Every show was fantastic and the emotional connection with people never fades.
Now it's all over, I can't put into words how good it all was. The audiences were bigger and louder than ever.
A special shout out to all our crew and people who work tirelessly behind the scenes to make all this happen.
Thank you to all the opening acts:
Ksenia Lewis
Lakeside X
Dead Lights
Mechanical Caberet
Die Kammer